New Case Fields & Portal Shortcut

Posted 3 months ago by Alessandra H.

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Alessandra H. Admin

Spring 2024 Impact Updates!

New Case Fields

  • Alternate ID
    • To facilitate future integration possibilities, we’ve added a new ‘Alternate ID’ field. This field is optional to use and, by default, is not connected to any automations. Please don’t hesitate to submit a support ticket if you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this new field!
  • Test Checkbox
    • Cases can now also be marked as a test case. By default, these cases will be excluded from data exports, displays, and aggregations. Test cases can be accessed by updating the filters (the inverted pyramid icon) on the Cases Main Page. More changes will be coming for this exciting new field so please check back soon!

Portal Shortcut

Switching between the staff side of Impact and the Impact Portal is now a breeze with our new ‘Open Portal’ and 'Open Dashboard options! This shortcut is accessible by clicking on your profile icon located in the top right corner and is restricted to Impact users with staff permissions.  

Note: This is only available for organizations with Impact's Scheduling feature enabled.

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